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January 2024 was a very busy month for me and my journey here in the online business world. I wrote a whole new lead magnet, built an all new landing page to use in my social media profiles, and set up associated email campaigns. I then relaunched my business with all these new things set up on January 31 and started my new Instagram content campaign to promote it all. I will talk a lot more about this in my next blog post.
However, I learned something this morning that I just wanted to share right away, because it was a BIG MISTAKE I was making and I wasn’t even aware of it!
Apparently, there are such things as BANNED HASHTAGS on Instagram. The app does not let you know that a hashtag you are attaching to your posts is banned, but they most certainly will limit the reach of your post if you are using them.
The first two days of my new content campaign were going well on Instagram and I was getting over a hundred views on my Reels. Which I considered pretty good for my business profile that is still pretty brand new (as of this morning, it has only 10 followers and 23 posts).
Then, the last two days it went way south. I wasn’t even getting 10 views on my Reels. Since I hadn’t changed my content approach, I found that very strange.
Then I was catching up on a private digital marketers Facebook group I am a member of, and someone mentioned “banned hashtags.” Then they shared this site:
You can type in or copy the set of hashtags you want to use in your IG post, and it will let you know if any of them are banned. It claims to update daily.
Turns out, I started to use the #makemoneyonline hashtag on my posts the last two days and that was one of the banned hashtags. I’ve now removed them from my posts but I’m sure the damage is already done in terms of the algorithm.
Going forward, I am going to check my hashtags regularly to make sure I am not accidentally throttling my content’s reach using a banned one. I hope this helps others using Instagram as part of their traffic strategy!
With love,
oh wow, that is incredibly valuable information…I had no idea Hashtags could be so damaging, but it makes sense. I don’t use Instagram much, but it will certainly apply elsewhere as well, so thanks to the info,
Social media algorithms are tricky! I was totally unaware of this however, and wanted to get the word out so others may avoid my mistake.
Wow, I had no idea this was happening on Instagram. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention and providing a link to further look into it, I really appreciate it.
You’re welcome! 🙂
I am not using Instagram right now but thank you for sharing this. It is really new to me.
This is the first time I ever heard of banned hashtags. Now, I’m suspecting that this is not unique to Instagram. Not sure whether Tik Tok has the same issue.
And I just did a quick search on Google and found this site called IQ Hashtags.
Apparently, it can scan your Instagram profile and remove banned hashtag for you. Although I’m not really sure if it works or how it works since I don’t use Instagram right now.
Thanks, Alan! I will look into the tool you mentioned. I appreciate the share!
Acasha, well that is amazing information. Thank you so much for this. I am planning to start TikTok/Instagram around March time after I’ve set up my primary source of traffic, and this will come in really useful. Thank you for the link. I had a look at your channel and I have started to follow you. I look forward to watching your videos and getting inspiration. You’re doing great and I wish you all the best. Thanks, Atif
Hi Atif,
Thank you for your support and compliments! I admit its hard to starting out when I know I am not great at putting together social media content. But I’m gonna keep at it and get better with practice. Because my future depends on it!
Wishing you success as well,
I know this exists, the banned hashtags I mean, but I didn’t know where to find out what hashtags are banned. Great resource, thanks for sharing!
I don’t think it would hurt Instagram to have a functionality that signals when you’re attempting to use hashtag they don’t like. Customer service really!
Thanks, Katrin
Yes, I agree – being more clear about the algorithms and what they do and don’t like would certainly be helpful!
Bummer but lesson learned- for all of us. Thanks for your generosity in sharing.
Wow.., glad you figured it out! And thanks for the link Acasha!
Hopefully you will be back on track on your next post. Great job figuring it out.
Thank you for this most informative post! I learned that if you are wondering if your hashtag might be on the “no-no” list, check it by entering it in the search bar of your social platforms. If the hashtag does not appear in the results, then it’s most likely banned. Or if it says the content is “hidden” that is another sign.
This is GOLD! I honestly had NO idea this was even a thing. I used to be quite active on IG several years back, with my previous business. Thank you so much for sharing because I’m getting ready to launch my new affiliate marketing account and I honestly would have done the exact same thing! Thank you for being 10 steps ahead of me (maybe 20) so I can follow right behind you and learn more! Thanks for the heads up.
I think I’m only (maybe) about one step ahead haha but I am glad this was valuable information to you.
Wow Acasha, that’s good to know! I don’t use much IG for business yet but I use FB business page. I would think it would be the same as it all is run by Meta. Appreciate you sharing this.
I tend to agree – that the same rules would apply to all of Meta-dom. At least better safe than sorry to assume as much at least.
Wow, thanks a bunch for the tip! I’m just diving into using Instagram and will definitely check out those banned hashtags. Really appreciate you sharing the link!
Thank you so much for that information! I had no idea there were “banned hashtags”! Thanks for the site for checking them as well. Valuable content!!
Thanks for the tip, Acasha! I wouldn’t have thought that a hashtag could be banned, so I really appreciate this! I signed up for Instagram but I haven’t started using it yet. Do you share your blog posts there?
Im working on that! I have been workshopping the past few days on a more thoughtful and strategic content plan for Instagram, which yes! Does include promoting my blog and blog posts.