This post may contain affiliate links, which means I will receive a commission if you purchase thru my links (at no extra cost to you). Please read my full disclosure statement here. Thank you for your support!
Hello there!
My name is Acasha, and I’m a working mom of two small boys. I’ve been fortunate to have a stable, good-paying corporate job now for over 16 years – a job that for the past decade has also been largely remote… so I’ve been taking advantage of the work-from-home life well before the pandemic changed everything.
Really, I CANNOT complain about my job. Sure, there’s plenty of boring bits but for the most part I work with pleasant people, I’m well suited to my responsibilities, and my work schedule is reasonable. Its afforded me a comfortable living that allows me to travel on occasion and take time off around the holidays.
SO WHAT’S THE PROBLEM!? You may ask.
The problem is I know I can do better. I used to run websites as a hobby when I was a teenager, taught myself HTML coding and web design and had built a strong audience for my content. I abandoned these skills when I started college and my life went in another direction, but there’s been this nagging desire to return to the online world, and actually make a go at having a successful business – one that would provide side-hustle income to support a lifestyle where I could work less hours, spend more time with my kids, and just DO MORE with the precious time we have. I had heard about affiliate marketing and lightbulbs went off in my brain that this was the path I needed to start on, but I got stuck there on how to actually take the first steps.
So one night after finally getting both kids into bed, I was mindlessly scrolling Instagram for a few minutes before passing out myself, and I stumbled upon Dean Holland and his affiliate marketing mentorship program. I watched his sales pitch, and something just “clicked” with me. He was honest and upfront about what it takes to succeed in affiliate marketing (hint: time, effort, and the right tools) and not just selling another get-rich-quick gimmick (they’re EVERYWHERE). Dean promises to walk you thru every step of the way to getting your own business off the ground and running. I believed him, and now here I am – working under Dean’s mentorship and finally TAKING ACTION on my desire for a different life. A life pursuing my passion AND offering financial freedom.
So again, if you’ve read all of this and you’re still with me – THANK YOU. I am glad we have found each other, and I hope you will stick around and follow along on this journey with me. I’ll be regularly providing updates on my progress, sharing new things I’ve learned, and mistakes I’ve made.
Are you on a similar journey? Comment below to let me know! I’d love to connect with like-minded individuals and learn from each other and cheer each other on.
Let’s DO THIS, together!
With Love,