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This week between Christmas and New Years feels a bit like the Twilight Zone to me, especially now as a mother. Our schedules are all out of sorts, I cannot seem to remember what day it is, and I find myself reflecting a lot on the past year – bemoaning the speed at which it passed, and then thinking about what I want for the new year.
I know I am not alone. Many of us use this time to set “New Year Resolutions.” As I get older, however, and I hope more wise, I think of these as my priorities for the year instead of an exercise of setting actual, tangible goals. Those come later, after I determine what I really want to focus on.
So first things first – what are my priorities for 2024? I have come up with three:
- Personal Growth
- Decluttering my home life
- Getting my online business out of the starting gate and making money
My first priority of personal growth is one I embarked on with serious intent in 2022 and I can say I have given this much more focus in my life since then and am reaping the benefits. Despite serious (and heavy) changes in my life, I find myself feeling stronger and happier than ever. I have been regularly attending therapy, allocating more time to doing things that I get personal fulfillment from, and advocating for myself and my needs better. So this one stays on the top of my list going into this next year.
The second, decluttering my home life, is something that I REALLY need to do for my personal sanity and happiness, but is something that has proven to be very difficult for me to accomplish. Sure, I can come up with excuses as to WHY it has not happened yet – I’ve moved twice in two years, I’ve got two small kids that are constantly outgrowing things, and I bought a fixer-upper and have devoted a lot of time to fixing and upping instead of getting all my LIFE organized.
But…. I am honestly sick and tired of walking past stacks of boxes in my basement, not being able to find things I know I own but cannot seem to locate, and dealing with the mental weight of having so many things around that do not serve me anymore. As this one also ties well with my first priority, I think it’s high time I finally give this the attention it deserves.
Last and not least of all, my third goal is to FINALLY take my business seriously. I did a lot of prep work to get this blog set up, and put some basic structures in place on the back end, but then have just let it sit and collect dust.
Well, now I have painted myself into a proverbial corner financially. I’m still working full-time and it’s paying the everyday bills, but I am just getting by. And then with all the work I’m doing on remodeling this house plus a few other rather costly surprises – well, my savings are all about gone. I’m leaning more on credit than I am comfortable with and I just got another HEFTY bill that I am frankly terrified I won’t be able to pay without getting a loan.
I’ve still got tens of thousands worth of work that needs doing on my house with no way of paying for them without some new income coming in, let alone rebuilding any kind of rainy-day savings in my account. INFLATION – am I right?? It’s hit me hard too and I’m feeling cut to the quick. Buying power is down and costs are way, way up. So, it’s time to face my fears and doubts and actually take steps every day to build this business into something that will help pay all these bills. If I had just done the work already, I feel confident I would have already started to see some new income take root.
But no time for regrets, I’ve got to forgive myself too and just MOVE FORWARD. I have all the tools and support at my fingertips with Dean Holland’s mentorship program. I am out of excuses. This year, 2024, I am planting that flag and I WILL make my first dollars online. And I’m going to do that by asking for help when I need it, and taking action consistently on those activities that will actually produce results – find and build my audience and offer something of help and value to them.
And if I can do it, as a single, fully employed mom of two – I know you can too!
Let’s make 2024 the best year yet. Comment below and tell me what are your priorities for this new year?
With love,

Acasha, as I read this, I realized that your goals for 2024 are mine also. I can certainly relate to living paycheck to paycheck. I do believe that your determination and constant work will bring you success. Happy New Year!
Thank you, Sherri! I hope 2024 brings both of us much success towards our goals.
Putting personal grow first is a great way to go. Often personal growth this glossed over and given a back seat to business growth. However, we forget that a business won’t grow if we don’t grow.
You want your business growth to speed up then have a solid plan in place for personal grow.
Next, I cannot agree more, when it comes to having things organized. I have grown to ignore the clutter(don’t care for it) but my wife and partner SJ struggles to move forward when things are cluttered. When things get messy they distract her and she gets little to nothing accomplished until she fixes it. This is a struggle she is working on but it is definitely better to have clean organized workspace.
Good Luck in the New Year!
CJ – I read something recently that made a claim that men are not effected by clutter the same way women do, concluding that women are more sensitive to their environments than men and that clutter increases stress and cortisol in women! I have to say my own observations about life and living with a male partner, I would tend to agree with their conclusion. I certainly feel much more balanced and focused when I do not have “mess” in my space.
Hope 2024 is your best year yet!
HI Acasha,
Great priorities for 2024! I used to buy lots of things/products/services with the intention of using them but never did. For example books I never read, courses I never took the time to study, clothes & gadgets I never used etc.
Recently I made a decision to actually donate most of those things and It felt like a big relief. Decluttering did help me focus on what’s truly important at the moment.
Hope you achieve great success in 2024!
– Albert
According to an article I read, getting rid of stuff gives you the same dopamine (happy hormone) boost that buying stuff does, HOWEVER, the feeling lasts longer because of the unburdening and sense of accomplishment that comes with it. Sounds like you experienced that, congrats on taking action!
I’m feeling pretty good, I sold a bunch of old baby gear in the past week on the Facebook marketplace and freed up a lot of space in my basement and garage. Makes me happy every time I walk past!! And the extra cash is an added benefit 😉 haha!
Cheers to you and hope 2024 is everything you hope it to be for you.
Acasha, You have set 3 major goals in your life that are really great but they each require huge effort and change. I would advise that you make a list of what needs to be done in each area and then prioritise it. Split your time into 3 amounts per day and then work on tasks for each of the 3 areas each day. You could sell/throw/charity items in your house to help clear it out. I am sure you will be very successful in Dean’s program and will then be able to renovate your house. I would, 1. Clear head 2. Build business then 3. Renovate house. This is just an idea I hope it is of some use to you. I look forward to seeing what you do next. Thanks, Atif
Your strategy is sound, and I see the merit in it. I’m definitely looking at myself in the mirror every day and trying to tell myself to pause and only focus on the things today that are going to make the most difference in my immediate future. Because you’re right, most of the renovations needed at this point CAN wait, I am just super impatient! I’ve got a real fire in my belly right now to get my business out of the starting gate. I am determined that this year is the year I can actually call it a business because its working!